dataaccessd #
full_path = "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd"
runs_as = "mobile"
full_path = "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd"
runs_as = "mobile"
full_path = "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CacheDelete.framework/deleted"
runs_as = "mobile"
is a system daemon that keeps track of purgeable space via registered services. deleted listens for low-space events from the file system and attempts to avoid running out of disk space by requesting that clients purge space.
Part of CacheDelete private framework.
full_path = "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CacheDelete.framework/deleted_helper"
runs_as = "root"
deleted_helper is a system daemon that purges APFS Purgeable files on demand. deleted_helper listens for purge messages from CacheDelete’s daemon named deleted
full_path = "/usr/sbin/distnoted"
runs_as = "_distnote"
distnoted provides distributed notification services.
There are no configuration options to distnoted.
full_path = "/usr/libexec/dmd"
runs_as = "mobile"
dmd is the system daemon and user agent processes responsible for backing the DeviceManagement system private framework.
full_path = "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DoNotDisturbServer.framework/Support/donotdisturbd"
runs_as = "mobile"
donotdisturbd manages the system do not disturb mode and configuration.
full_path = "/usr/libexec/driverkitd"
runs_as = "root"
Daemon related to DriverKit
full_path = "/System/Library/Frameworks/ExtensionFoundation.framework/XPCServices/extensionkitservice.xpc/extensionkitservice"
runs_as = "mobile"
full_path = "/usr/sbin/fairplayd.H2"
runs_as = "mobile"
full_path = "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyNotification.framework/familynotificationd"
runs_as = "mobile"