

intelligenceplatformd #

 full_path = "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IntelligencePlatformCore.framework/intelligenceplatformd"
 runs_as = "mobile"


InteractiveLegacyProfilesSubscriber #

 full_path = "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/RemoteManagement.framework/XPCServices/InteractiveLegacyProfilesSubscriber.xpc/InteractiveLegacyProfilesSubscriber"
 runs_as = "mobile"


IOMFB_bics_daemon #

 full_path = "/usr/libexec/IOMFB_bics_daemon"
 runs_as = "root"
  • Related to IOMobileFramebuffer kernel extension.


itunescloudd #

 full_path = "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesCloud.framework/Support/itunescloudd"
 runs_as = "mobile"


itunesstored #

 full_path = "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/Support/itunesstored"
 runs_as = "mobile"


iOS Jailbreak #

Definition #

A jailbreak is the process of removing restrictions imposed by Apple on devices running the iOS operating system. This includes any “iDevice” : iPhones, iPads, iPod Touch, Apple Watch. Jailbreaking allows users to gain full access to the root of the iOS operating system.

When you purchase an Apple device, it comes with certain limitations on what you can install and customize. Jailbreaking allows users to bypass these restrictions and gain root access to the iOS file system. With a jailbroken device it is possible by example, to install applications forbidden by Apple store or access the filesystem to modify system specific file.



kbd #

 full_path = "/System/Library/TextInput/kbd"
 runs_as = "mobile"


keybagd #

 full_path = "/usr/libexec/keybagd"
 runs_as = "root"

Daemon related to iOS keyBag.


Keychain #

On Apple systems (MacOS, iOS, iPadOS), keychains are used to securely store, access and manage passwords, security certificates, private keys, passkeys, and secure notes. On MacOS there are severals Keychains. There is only one keychain in iOS. This keychain is protected by the Secure Enclave, and it’s designed to be stored in iCloud.

Unlike MacOS file-based keychains, the Secure Enclave protecting the keychain , allows it to be protected by biometrics (Touch ID, Face ID).


Keychain - How items are stored

iOS KeyChain - How items are stored #

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, understanding the intricacies of secure data storage is important. Among the critical components safeguarding sensitive information on iOS devices, the iOS Keychain is used to securely store, access and manage passwords, security certificates, private keys, passkeys, and secure notes.

In this article, we will details what happens when an item is added in the keychain, and how this items is stored in database. It will not cover all the details on how the access control is done as it is another big subject for another article.
